Impact of Career Transition on Employees’ Career Success


  • Hana Klupáková


career, career growth, promotion, salary, career satisfaction


Purpose of the article: The career has in the 21st century new direction. The classic career ladder has no more importance. This new career direction brings new perception of career success. So it has to be identified career success factors. Methods: It was conducted quantitative research; data were collected by questionnaires for employees who made a career transition in the last five years. The data were processed with MS Excel and Statistics. Data were purified, and characterized with descriptive statistics. To identify factors it was performed factor analysis using PCA with Varimax factors rotation. Relationships between variables were tested by analysis of variance and t-tests. Scientific aim is to prove the career transition effect on employees’ career success and characterize these effects of variable type of career transition. Findings: It was proved the detention between mobility type and type of career transition. Employees, who are transferred within a company, are changing job usually upward, while the transition between companies is mostly to jobs unrelated to last job position. Furthermore it was identified three factors of career success, one subjective and 2 objective. It was statistically confirm the influence of career transition type on subjective career success and impact of mobility type on the objective career success. Conclusions: Results indicate that the greatest satisfaction brings career transition up the career ladder, while transition into unrelated jobs (decisions under risk) leads to dissatisfaction increase. We can say that employees who remain in company feel usually „happier“ and although they may feel relatively unhappy, cannot suffer the disappointment in expectations. Career transition affects career success in a predictable direction. So companies can prepare to provide certainty and stability in familiar situations, as they have to anchor employees in the company and work group if they come for unrelated job position or environment.




