Human Capital and Perceived Quality of Production


  • Petra Štamfestová


human capital, quality, nonfinancial indicators, business performance, new economy


Purpose of the article: One aim of this paper is to define the concept of human capital and quality and based on the research of foreign literature to examine the findings of empirical research on the impact of human capital on production quality. The second aim is to verify the impact of human capital on the quality of production in industrial companies in the Czech Republic. Methodology/methods: In order to determine wheather human capital influence product quality correlation analysis was used. To create indexes of human capital and quality factor analysis was used and to analyse more complex links between constructs path analysis was used. Scientific aim: This paper is aimed at revealing whether human capital can effect product quality. Findings: Analysis show that there are a positive links between human capital and product quality. The research was carried out between the four dimensions of human capital measurement and quality found a positive correlation. The closest relationship is between employee satisfaction and quality. Employee satisfaction is followed by their motivation, innovation, and at least a close relationship with quality is education of employees. Conclusions: The so-called new economy puts new demands on businesses in terms of achieving long-term performance. More and more important is management of non-financial determinants of business performance which include quality management, information technology, human capital and customer, etc. and also analysing links between each other and thereby to contribute to the development of knowledge regarding the management of non-financial determinants of business performance because these determinants are crucial in achieving long term prosperity and success.




